Online Profile: Jay Singh
RHB / RA Seam
Tactical Approach; More selective of balls to be positive to, rather than playing by numbers (?) (i.e. block one, hit one, block one, etc.) Pickup the length of balls which are there to try to stay over (keep on the floor) and those that if you want/need to look to hit over the top and get underneath to do so, that the length allows this (i.e. balls of a fairly full length would be better ones to look to keep on the floor, making contact beneath your eye line, but balls that are more of a good length and pitching slightly further away, given an opportunity to start rising - you could look to be more aggressive against those). |
Opportunities for improvement:
- Stance looks quite unstable at present and makes it difficult to establish strong positions in which to hit from, consider opening stance slightly creating a stronger, more stable starting position in setup. - Try to be a little more upright in stance, currently leaning quite a bit towards the off-side (see image below), this will therefore make it harder to play balls attacking the stumps and get down the ground with weight falling off-side. Also harder to get a good sight of the ball coming towards you if your eyes are not level. - Focusing on the above will lend itself more to hitting the ball with both power as well as control. |
- Build up momentum approaching the crease (be careful setting off too quickly and going out of rhythm and then losing run-up - stuttering on occasions)
- Alignment: Tend to fall away quite early which can lose control as well as increase the load on lower back and side. Would benefit from some alignment work focusing on trying to get heels a little more aligned and weight driving more forwards over front leg - to benefit control and pace also over time.
- Quite high bound which can put front leg under more strain on front foot contact, create more of a feeling of straight line momentum/speed and not quite as much upward energy created - this will can be worked on along with the above alignment drills.
- Build up momentum approaching the crease (be careful setting off too quickly and going out of rhythm and then losing run-up - stuttering on occasions)
- Alignment: Tend to fall away quite early which can lose control as well as increase the load on lower back and side. Would benefit from some alignment work focusing on trying to get heels a little more aligned and weight driving more forwards over front leg - to benefit control and pace also over time.
- Quite high bound which can put front leg under more strain on front foot contact, create more of a feeling of straight line momentum/speed and not quite as much upward energy created - this will can be worked on along with the above alignment drills.